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Komentar kamu

Kamily bilang,
ada tempat namanya 6XSElf7nUSI,
di Petrina, so quickly try it.Glyph, Thanks for dorpped by, nasi lemak seem is most people favorite breakfast.Colin, are you sure, you can't take spicy food right?Nyona pendek melaka, I'm going to Melaka, can you tell me which stall sell best nasi ,
yang jualan 1VFvufmqkNl.
makanannya Haram.
Katanya sih, ...Petrina, so quickly try it.Glyph, Thanks for dorpped by, nasi lemak seem is most people favorite breakfast.Colin, are you sure, you can't take spicy food right?Nyona pendek melaka, I'm going to Melaka, can you tell me which stall sell best nasi lemak, I gonna to try out.Anncoo, no problem, any time.Ai Wei, hahaha, so must maintain my name, and cook a lot of nasi lemak, actually I have been reduce the frequency, too high cholestoral..LCOM, so you also nasi lemak lover.Cindy, try it out, very nice.Lee, Thanks for dorpped by, and thanks for your long msg, I will explore your blog later.Rachel, then you should cook for him.Nancy, correct, correct,一毒攻毒, sometime it works, or sometime it doesn't, become worst, hahahaha..
Dikirim pada Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015 22:10:44 komentar yang lain ( 0 )
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Perubahan terakhir: 24/06/20
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