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Surabaya > Kafe > Citra's

Hans bilang,
ada tempat namanya Citra's,
di Jalan Dharmawangsa,
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...Ketan duren-nya enak tenan. Cuman, kalo agak kemaleman dapet bangku miring. Emang tempatnya di perko (emper toko). Tapi cukup bersih en nyaman.
Dikirim pada Rabu, 22 Agustus 2001 19:08:19 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

Tambahkan video untuk Citra's:
Verifikasi Ketik ulang huruf-huruf yang tampak berikut

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omelet mienya enak banget, bikin ketagihan
sufie, surabaya Kamis, 23 Agustus 2001 18:08:08

jangan makan enak coz ga pake hot plate. cobain minum lemon punch...suegerrr.
happy, surabaya Kamis, 28 Juli 2005 19:07:52

eNakAn PisAng BakARnya BoZz...
UeNaK tEnaANnn....
MaK nYUZzzz...
tP sYg aQ g bZ kZaNa Lg...
-== aRieZz ==-, SuRabAya Jumat, 18 Juli 2008 12:07:45

ketan durenny ngg enaaakk blassssssssss
vita, surabaya Kamis, 09 Juni 2011 23:06:23

paling enak yo nang giras..
Ngarep e mcd rungkut.. Cdek e yakaya.. Pasti murah
enddsivan naybeen, gresik Senin, 22 Agustus 2011 14:08:32

Growing up, the end of the orange saeosn was all about squeezy oranges, as kids we couldn't wait for that time of the year to come fast enough. We never had such a device though, it was always just a case of rolling the orange hard on the bench top/driveway/table/hand etc to release the juice and then a circle cut of the top and a few digs of the knife into the flesh. If you were really good you would cut that circle out just right and the central pith would come out at the same time. Then you would just suck and squeeze away.The only condition that my mother had was that you had to eat the orange afterwards. Which was normally achieved by just ripping down the peel from the sucking hole to create four or five "petals".I still eat oranges this way at the end of the saeosn when they are really juicy. I find I make a lot less mess this way then segmenting the orange.
George, HZf2VJLjSkO Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013 23:07:10

Growing up, the end of the orange seoasn was all about squeezy oranges, as kids we couldn't wait for that time of the year to come fast enough. We never had such a device though, it was always just a case of rolling the orange hard on the bench top/driveway/table/hand etc to release the juice and then a circle cut of the top and a few digs of the knife into the flesh. If you were really good you would cut that circle out just right and the central pith would come out at the same time. Then you would just suck and squeeze away.The only condition that my mother had was that you had to eat the orange afterwards. Which was normally achieved by just ripping down the peel from the sucking hole to create four or five "petals".I still eat oranges this way at the end of the seoasn when they are really juicy. I find I make a lot less mess this way then segmenting the orange.
Desi, 6Gn2LOEP Senin, 08 Juli 2013 16:07:34

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