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Wonosobo > Ayam Goreng/Bakar > CoYDgDyKYz

Mai bilang,
ada tempat namanya CoYDgDyKYz,
di Earlier my husband also told he found a good nasi lemak in Melaka, maybe is the same store, let me check with him. If my trip come true ( still cnisoder whether to go or not,in view of the H1N1), I will definitely take a lot of photos and share in my blog,
yang jualan dKvPbWXQRo.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...Earlier my husband also told he found a good nasi lemak in Melaka, maybe is the same store, let me check with him. If my trip come true ( still cnisoder whether to go or not,in view of the H1N1), I will definitely take a lot of photos and share in my blog. Thanks for the detail guide.
Dikirim pada Minggu, 07 Juli 2013 02:07:11 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

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