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Surabaya > Jagung Bakar > YFOpmYrYH

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ada tempat namanya YFOpmYrYH,
di I am an onion lover so this is great recipe for me. I am not only liknig your recipe for the onion but for its spiciness too I find the cayenne pepper and garlic powder so welcome.Pris Reply:April 23rd, 2010 at 4:49 amMy friend also be like you onion lo,
yang jualan HlqqcfYVpFcmInqUV.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...I am an onion lover so this is great recipe for me. I am not only liknig your recipe for the onion but for its spiciness too I find the cayenne pepper and garlic powder so welcome.Pris Reply:April 23rd, 2010 at 4:49 amMy friend also be like you onion lover. Maybe, you can try on this website: agape-cookingthechineseway.comThere have some recipes with the onions cooking.
Dikirim pada Kamis, 27 September 2012 11:09:13 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

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