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Agus bilang,
ada tempat namanya Tokio Joe,
di Mandarin Hotel, Jakarta Pusat,
yang jualan Sushi.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...Tokio Joe is a long-famous sushi resto in Jakarta. Very fine sushi and nice japanese decoration with sushi-bar style in the corner. The ambient is romantic, and they have a room for a party I suppose. Try Tokio Joe's special rolls. I just love them. I've heard that lot of sushi-chiefs in Jakarta were learnt (work experience) here before they really working at new places.
The place is not really big, so you to make reservation for dinner and saturday nights.
For advanced sushi-lovers, this is the right place to have right sushi!!
Dikirim pada Jumat, 07 Mei 2004 23:05:49 komentar yang lain ( 0 )
[komentar kamu]

Rasa : 7.5
Suasana : 7
Pelayanan : 7.25
Kebersihan : 7

Berikan penilaian kamu untuk tempat jajan yang satu ini. 10 = sangat baik, 5=sedang, 1 = sangat buruk.
Perubahan terakhir: 24/06/20
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